Modified: Updated to disable C7r as a BIOS default to avoid potential C7r system hangs.Initial production BIOS release for these models.Modified: DDR3 1066 is no longer supported on the Chief-River platform with an Ivy Bridge CPU.Updated: VBIOS to fix a BSOD 0x116 issue on discrete SKUs.Modified: Synchronized the CRID function with the PCH RC code.Modified: Sandy Bridge CPUs only support a DDR3 maximum frequency of 1333MHz.
Implemented changes for the Windows 8 upgrade. Fixed: TOSHIBA ACPI sub function 0169h returns USB 3.0 support. Fixed: When system memory is 2GB, OS recovery will fail. Updated: CPU Microcode M12306A9 to version 00000015. Updated - Win7: CPU Microcode M12206A7 to version 00000028. Modified: Made a change to the LID power setting. Updated - Win8: Discrete VBIOS and GOP. Press the F10 function key then Enter to save settings and exit. Check the version of BIOS and press the F9 function key then Enter to load setup defaults. While the "TOSHIBA" logo is displayed, press the F2 function key to start BIOS Setup. Please make sure to save all work in progress before starting BIOS updates. For all updates: The BIOS update will force the computer to shut down or restart. For CD-ROM BIOS updates in Windows 7 models: Type FLASH or BIOS then press enter at the C:\ prompt. (7) After the BIOS update has completed, restore the Boot Mode setting to "UEFI Boot" and the Secure Boot setting to Enabled. (6) Boot from the BIOS CD-ROM and type FLASH or BIOS at the C:\ prompt.
(4) Go to the Advanced tab, enter "System Configuration" and set the Boot Mode to "CSM Boot." (5) Press F10 to save and exit.
(3) Go to the Security tab and set the "Secure Boot" setting to "Disabled". (2) Power on while pressing F2 to enter the BIOS Setup Menu. For CD-ROM BIOS updates in Windows 8 models: (1) Shut down the system while pressing the SHIFT key to completely power off.See the included documentation for details. WinRAR self-extracting ZIP file includes both Windows-based and diskette based BIOS update installation options.